Despite having owned it for a couple months, I'm just starting to get into Morrowind (I was inspired by hearing a friend of mine talk about the later sections). My current character is an archer with a side of mage, which is fun. I just found some enchanted arrows, but I can't seem to make any myself - the arrows in my inventory aren't even an option when selecting an item to enchant. Can enchanted arrows only be found, not made, or do I need better arrows, or what?Also, what does arrow quality (chitin vs.

Glass, etc.) do? It feels like better ones hit more often, but that could just be placebo. Also I believe that the better the quality of arrow, the more likely you are to retrieve it from a fallen foe. If you haven't already gotten the area effect plugin, its well worth it, being an archer and all: and scroll down to 'area effect', you might want to grab a number of those other 'official' plugs as well, as most of them are quite good and worth the trouble.For additional plugin rec's search GESC and I'm certain you'll get more than you need. Although if you would like to fully enjoy the game, you should definately get the Adventurers mod, which will increase the difficulty significantly(bah, I'm half loaded) but will ultimately give you a much more enjoyable playing experience. Kuman:Depends on what you want to do with it. I don't know what the enchant limit is on a D-long sword, but as its a weapon, a extra damage effect might be good, but beware of 'reflection' if you use it against magical monsters.

Absorb health is good, heal as you attack, always good. Or you could give it a pedestrian enchant like levitate, or open 100 on touch, but rings are better for that.Personally, I would sell it and buy a ring and put 'Constant Effect - Bound longsword' on it. Weights nothing, and you get your LongSword Skill boosted by 10pts, and a sword that kills every thing.edit heh Wingfooted, great minds. Quote:what's the best enchantment for a Deadric Longsword. I just found it last night.drop a per hit damage add spell on it.

Hi I'm trying to make an enchanted Item that is a constant effect enchantment, Shield is what I'm adding, only problem is I cant change it to constant effect it just stays as a cast spell and I dont want that, my enchanting is 200 (used console cheat) i have plenty of money and i go to the enchater in balmora to get the enchanting done, how can i make it constant effect? 002 WHAT IS ENCHANTING Enchanting is basically the use of the Enchanting school of magic to place a spell on an item, weapon or piece of armor. That piece of gear now has a. In Morrowind, when an item is enchanted, there are three options - Cast when used (puts a spell in your spell list when you have the item in your inventory), Cast on strike (for weapons, cast when the weapon strikes a target), and Constant effect (gives a permanent magical effect when the item is equipped on the character). The 'Cast when used' and 'Cast on strike' items would have to be recharged after using them a certain number of times, and more valuable base items (a gold ring for.

Fire or ice.lightning iirc uses more mana per hit for whatever reason. Don't make the damage range big either i.e. 1 to 80 per hit.

As that will waste mana, tweak the values so the min/max are closer as that will give you a better idea of what dmg your doing and how much mana yer using per the dmg.also, i'd get a daedric daikatana and drop the enchant on it. D-hammers are good too, but daikatanas are a lil bit better iirc. Offense is greater than defense in late game and you'll be tossing the daedric katana eventually as there are a few better artifact weapons and/or daedric daikatanas.but really, you wanna be using that golden saint soulgem on a constant effect on ring/clothes that regens hp + stamina (something like 2 hp/sec + 3/stam a sec on one item is possible).

This is the single best use for an enchantment in the game imo. Until you get -the soulgem- and its spell counterpart so you can enchant at will (only being limited by your gold).you can then use your fire/ic atronach gems on your sword for damage currently. Unless you wanna waste your golden saint gem on mere damage.but there is a reason constant effect enchants are the highest rank of enchanting.

Make a constant effect enchant and save dammage for later (chances are you are already doing plenty of damage anyways and you could far better use unlimited stamina/health for your daedric longsword swings than a bit of damage added to the swings)-mecasim. I'm working to get the Deadric Daikatana at the moment. Quote:Originally posted by kuman:quote:you wanna be using that golden saint soulgem on a constant effect on ring/clothes that regens hp + stamina (something like 2 hp/sec + 3/stam a sec on one item is possible).i'll think i'll do just that on a exquisite skirt/robe(or is it ring is better hmmm.)Do it on an Exquisite Shirt, it holds more and rarely ever gets changed.

I'm switching out rings all the time. Vampiric usually stays, but there's a boat load more with such high pluses to stats that I rarely ever keep the same two on for any length of time. Which it bette? Will ice includes freezing and paralyzing?No. There's four different types of elemental damage: frost, fire, electricity, and poison.

For most enemies, it doesn't matter which kind you use, as it just adds on to the weapon's base damage. However, some enemies are more or less suceptible to the different kinds. For example, a flame astronach won't even notice if you hit him with a fire enchanted weapon (hell, he's already on fire), but an ice enchanted weapon may have an even greater effect on him than on a normal enemy.

Black & white 2 digital download. In my opinion the game was way too easy with the really low mana costs and easy game mechanics. For example the player can choose 1 of many difficulties to play on. Changes the Redux mod offers- Added a skirmish mode where you can fight against up to 3 enemy gods- Added 4 new wonders which get accessable with each epic spell you unlock- Added many new quests and reenabled a lot content which was scrapped out of the base game- Reworked all landscapes- Added an additional aztec land- Changed influence expansion (Influence also depends on villagers etc. But soon after I uploaded the first version, things went its way and soonly I added a brand new skirmish mode, expanded all the campaign lands by adding new content to it and gave the player much more freedom.

The opposite applies to a frost astronach, etc.I prefer poison enchantments, because I don't believe very many things are resistant to it. I could be wrong, though. There are a couple of different directions you can go with enchanted items that I have found to be amazing.Sanctuary - Get 100 points and normal weapons don't hurt touch you.Chameleon - 100 points and enemies can't see you, even when you are slapping them right in the face.Health Restore - I got to where I restored 16 points a second. Made the game really easy.Choose any of these and the game turns way easy. I wouldn't suggest it if you want to have a challenge.

Morrowind Constant Effect Enchantments Map

100% Chameleon is probably the cheesiest. I love it though. Ah, cheesiness.

Be careful (i.e. Save save save) when mucking about with constant effect on a Cuirass. I have put Constant Effect Sanctuary and others like fortify attribute on a Cuirass and had the effect 'stick' that is, stay active after the item is removed. It ruined a game of mine when I found my self full time 100% invisible.Me 'Hello'NAP 'Who's there?' Disposition drops 5ptsMe 'Hello'NPC 'Who's there?' Disposition drops 5ptsMe 'Hello'NPC 'Who's there?' Disposition drops 5ptsYou get the idea.I did make an uber char exploiting this once though, but then found the consoleSetattribuestrengh, 200 he he (or cmds to that effect, don't recall it verbatim).

Morrowind Constant Effect Enchantments

Morrowind Constant Effect Enchantments

On the elemental damage, the most common elemental resistance is fire - all dark elves are fire resistant for one thing, which is like 1/2 of the people in the game. That's why fire damage is cheaper to cast than other kinds - like a 50 point fireball might take 30 magicka to cast, but a 50 point poisonball or shockball might cost's to balance because a lot less enemies have a poison or shock resistance. The 'damage health' effect does not get resisted much, but it is also twice as expensive as fire or frost.On paralysis, the effect is too expensive to get much on most weapons - it's hard to find a weapon that can hold a 10 second paralysis effect, although you can buy jinkblades and silver staves that have that enchantment. If you buy one though you will see that it is resisted quite often in combat, making it less useful than you might think.personally my favorite effect is a heal on self when strikes, or like said above an absorb health on strike - it means that you don't have to worry too much about your own health in combat.another thing that might be nice is like a 1 minute fortify strength, cast when used.strength makes a huge difference in melee, I think maybe more than magical damage.