Who has come across Realm Divide and then finished your campaign? For those that don't know, the Movie comes pops up showing your clan leader finding out the Shogun is on its way to cut you down from your rise and almighty power.It is really exciting BUT so very hard for me now. It surprised the hell out of me. When I captured my 14th region, all of a sudden.the Shogunate and all the clans declare war against me. I get this nice clan trait that offers an extra recruitment slot in all provinces.Your allies and the other clans you have not encountered want a piece of you. I am now facing a war on several fronts, I'm almost at the door step of Kyoto.
I am also dealing with naval invasion from the western clans.Does anyone have any tips before the Shogunate gets all fired up? Is there no way for clans to ally with you? How supportive are vassals during his time?
How can you stop this apart from the elimination of the Shogun. Surely.there should be some clans wanting to support my rise to power or abstain from siding with the current Shogun.Very challenging but at the end, i think to myself whats the point diplomacy if every single clan is going to support the Shogunate when you clan fame is at max.Tip- im sure if you become the Shogunate the whole of Japan will be after you. It's kind of disappointing me if this is the case. I too have seen this message in two of my campaigns. One i ended because i knew i had no chance. The other im still doing.
Date is kinda far away, but if you can, capture Kyto if you think a realm divide is imminent, you will become Shogun if you hold it for a year. If you start realm divide early by fighting Shogun, you'll be able to premptively invade (or prepare to defend against) you're allies.
One of them, I had an alliance with the Shogunate, along with 2 other allies, and 7 vassals. My one vassal, besshio??, i think they're called that, attacked me and took 2 regions. Also 2 were lost through invasion, and 1 sided with the enemy shortly after. I too, had been declared an enemy of the state, and all clans declared a war. My allies left me, and the 2 vassals i had left didnt seem to pleased with me. Realm divide never seems to work out very good. The first time I experienced the realm divide as the Uesugi I was completely unprepared.
I lost all of my allies within a few turns and also couldn't keep vassals for more than 10 turns, even after liberating them.Still, I grinded out battles until I had conquered the entire north of Japan for myself, allowing me to focus on pushing through the Hattori and Tokugawa to get to Kyoto.A big part of the trick is to develop your economy in such a way that you don't need to rely on trade, because once you go through the realm-divide it's unlikely you'll enjoy any trade agreements at all. I was playing as the Shimazu and had this when I was on the doorstep of Kyoto. I am still playing this one so I haven't finished but this is what I have been doing that seems to be working.Extensive use of ninjas to assassinate the shogun and heirs. Use of other agents to help protect my ninjas.Conquer a region - Leave it - Let it rebel - Let the rebellion conquer the region becoming its own independent nation - conquer it again - make it a vassalThis works good when fighting big nations because only when the home region is conquered can you make a vassal.
This is good because you don't have to spend your own money building up the infrastructure in the region and you get money and a bonus unit.Also, be weary of amphibious assaults at your coasts because I have had the shogun launch murmurous landings on my shores where I had to retreat an army from the front to take them out. When it happened in my first campaign as the Date I was completely unprepared for basically all of Japan turning against me.I only had a handful of samurai in my 3 main armies as I was relying on mostly ashigaru and light cavalry in my armies, and my economy was so-so as I hadn't focused on developing my provinces as well as I should have. On top of all that, I'd disbanded most of my fleet except for 2 ships on opposite sides of Japan for ferrying troops from my home provinces so I was helpless to stop the Takeda and Tokugawa from landing armies behind my front lines.Caught with 2 large armies to my rear and almost all my land forces either facing other armies or hopelessly out of position I called it quits. First time I've given up on a campaign since I first started playing RTW all those years ago. Playing a little bit more last night. I found that the Imagawa had a full stack army and a small contingent right behind the main army at all times. They could have easily captured 2 of my outer regions but then kept going through deep into my territories at one point taking out Fukishima and Miyagi which is right next to my capital.I had to split the army to chase these guys but then i left my border regions with the enemies weak so as i was reclaiming my inner regions they were slowly chipping away at my outer regions.
Really good AI. I'm pleasedNext step is reload a save before i captured a region that sparks the Realm Divide. I'm going to improve my economy and bolster defense for key regions for a few turns. The AI kicked my teeth in when I played the Uesugi.
No naval capability to defend my coastlines, armies all focused on one front.Really hurts when your allies betray you, regions begin to revolt and so forth. Still, it was well worth grinding it out.Also, if you capture Kyoto before the event begins you basically trigger it early. None of these other Clans want you to be Shogun remember. Having said that, I'm sure holding Kyoto isn't too hard with a decent size force, providing you have enough ranged units.
Has Anyone NOT had Realm Divide? I thought it was a standard thing once you got 15-20 provinces.I played a Chosokabe Domination on N/N, Had all of Shikoku and Kyushu and up too Bizen conquered on the mainland When my realm divide Happened. Literally everyone went form war with everyone to allies with eachother in a war against me, even my sole vassal on kyushu declared war on me.I finally completed it after about a week or two last night. I had to make a solid line of vassals from conquered provinces, cutting off the Hojo who ruled the northern third of japan, from my territory. Then I had to conquer two territories on the far side of my 'vassal Wall' along with one of my vassals conqureing two territores just to complete the campaign. It depends on the clan you are making a vassal.
If the clan was alive when the realm divide happened they will have a -100 bonus for past grievences. Although they will still stay loyal to you more than likely( at least on normal difficulty). I never had any problems even with the -100 bonus, although I gave them gifts of 3000-5000 koku.If the clan was already dead when the divide happened it will not have the -100 bonus.Just be sure to give them a gift of money if possible and guard them for a turn or two to get them on their feet before another power swoops in a destroys them. Now, I haven't play this game yet, but I have been reading about it all across the internet, mostly about Realm divide. Here are some tips that I've discovered you might find them useful.First of all, Realm Divide is really the start of the campaigns grand finale, the final push against Kyoto and the showdown against the current Shogun and it's allies.
It's like the final boss battle in an RPG. Because of this, and because the whole game is about becoming Shogun, you should be preparing and planning for Realm Divide the entire campaign.
Every decision you make should take you clan 1 step closer to being ready for Realm Divide. This just like pumping an your party in a RPG with the best stuff available in preparation for the final boss battle.So what does a daimyo need to do to prepare his clan for realm divie? He needs to prepare his clan militarily, economically, and diplomatically.1.
Military preparations. Preparing your military for Realm Divide is pretty obvious: Building up your military forces. However, it also means preparing fortifications and defensive garrisons. All your border towns should have these at all times, even when your empire is small. Take the time to fortify and garrison your borders before proceeding with new conquests.2. I have seen it all over the web.
The number one tip for preparing for realm divide is to self-sufficient economy, and the most important part of that is farming. In fact, the earlier your economy becomes self-sufficient, the better of you'll be when realm divide hits.3.
Diplomacy.This time, I must refer you to an article written by Peter Sahui onBasically in the article which is about diplomacy in Shogun 2,he writes that the way to survive diplomatically during realm divide is counter the negative diplomacy penalty effect with even more positive diplomacy effects. This means to work on your relationships from the very beginning of the campaign, and keep your daimyo's honor high. Build and research any structure or art that gives diplomacy bonuses. Doing these things will ensure your allies will stay loyal for at least a while which allows you to not have to fight on so many different fronts.That's all I have to say. I hope it helps, and I hope that someday I will get my hands of Shogun 2. Right now it too new and thus still too expensive, and besides my computer is about 5 years old.
I will definitely think about buying it along with Empire Total War when I eventually get a new computer which will be along time from now because I love my computer the way it is. So for now, I just have to stick with Rome and Medieval 2.