SUBREDDIT RULES.No unit or server promotion. Please do not recruit for your unit here or advertise your server. Please refrain from mentioning your unit/server in your post title.No self-promotion. You can post videos, but please do not dump your YouTube channel or livestream on this subreddit. Accounts must be older than 10 days to get past our automoderator and submitters should be actively participating with the subreddit.' Looking For Group/Server' posts will be removed. Please use the resources available in the to find a group to play with or check out.No unit drama.
Jun 18, 2017 It's likely the best place to discuss SWRPG over voice comms or just chat about the rules and larger Star Wars universe. If you are an avid player looking for a new campaign or a grizzled GM looking for your new group to lead - this is the best place to instantly organize via chat. Star Wars RPG Public Discord Server. The mod features: Real Starwars Planets with detailed enviroments Legit Voice Overs Epic Battles Wide variety of weapons & more!
We can't fix your ban or resolve your internal issues. Please take it up with your unit or the server admins.Yes this game is good. Yes you should get it.
Question posts like these clutter up the feed. Please use the pinned weekly questions thread to ask questions if you're considering getting the game.Performance and PC Build questions belong in the weekly questions thread. Please help us keep the feed clean and post these types of questions in the pinned weekly questions thread.Don't be a dick. Please try to remain polite and follow.NEW TO THE SUBREDDIT?.Read the.See if you're looking for a community to join.Search the subreddit before posting; your question has probably been asked and answered before!.Use the Weekly Questions Thread pinned to the frontpage for general questions.You are responsible for reading the sidebar and subreddit rules. If your post has been removed, it's probably violated a subreddit rule. If you are going to quote him, don't make yourself look even more brainless by misquoting or omitting vital key words.
Maybe you are just really fucking stupid, if so I feel for you and encourage you to change your demeanor in life to one of the pursuit of knowledge.For about.238 seconds I was in the same thought process as you. I did indeed think that this is what he meant, but my open thought process quickly tried to rationalize what did not make sense. Don't worry, I'll get there after a little more shaming. I'd say the most significant rationality was to allow the chance that English was not his first language.
Thought this is all silly and completely unnecessary for one simple part of his post that you happened to omit. Also, I don't mean to just pick on you because there were multiple dumb ass responses to the idea of whether or not this was his original mod or just a video that he made of the mod.How can you dumb fucks read that he has been working on it for a week and allow yourselves to arrive at the conclusion that he did a mod of this magnitude in seven days. Don't react, respond. Think before you post.