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From DavidL - Black Templar Terminators and Land Raider (45 points) As the finish line looms closer, I finally at least manage to put some points on the board towards my Black Templar project. I'd hoped to get through my entire Templar list this Challenge, but so it goes.

There are a few things I would change though.The Emperor's Champion is commonly considered pretty bad. You are paying a ton for model that is worse than a captain. It is worth spending a few extra points for High Marshal Helbrecht if you are taking him in the terminator squad. His lack of an AP2 weapon is offset by the thunder hammers and he has tons of attacks and decent stats.You are wasting a lot of points on upgrades. Hunter killer missiles are worthless.

Black Templar Land Raider Crusader

Never take them.When you are making a squad, it is important to think about the particular purpose of it. For example, it seems that first crusader squad is supposed to be a backfield scoring, long range unit due to the lascannon (which can't move and fire). In that case, it doesn't need the combi-plasma, meltabombs, razor back, or sword brother.

If it is meant to get up the field and do stuff, you shouldn't give it a lascannon.One of the largest strengths of the black templar is their ability to have objective securing land raiders. You may want to consider making a big melee crusader squad (that will have hatred and fleet for a turn thanks for Helbrecht) in a second land raider over all these upgrades and the dreadnought. Thanks for the response dawg. My decision to use the Champion was because hes the cheapest and damn does that model look cool, and thanks for pointing out all the upgrades I put on I was kinda going crazy with em now that I look at it.Also my intention for the Lascannon squad and its Razorback was pretty much what you said but, i was basically going to have the Razorback drop off the Squad then go about the battlefield supporting whichever other unit needs it with its Heavy Bolter which I still think its a good idea but I could be horribly wrong.As for the melee crusader squad what size do you think it should be? 9 initiates 1 sword brother and 6 neophytes was the first thing that popped in my head when I read that but I wanna know what you were thinking.I'll definitely see if I cant scrounge up some extra cash to drop on Helbrecht. On the note of the other HQs, what do you think of Grimaldus?But yeah thanks dude I'll play around with the list and see what fits gonna try out that double Land Raider idea it sounds pretty neat.

The Champion gets killed really fast with only 2 wounds. He basically costs the same as a captain, but has 1 less wound, BS, and attack to strike at I4 instead of I1 (power fist) with less strength, but has no way to get a storm shield. You may as well take a captain in Art armor with the burning blade and get a killer beatstick of a model for similar points.Grimaldus is pretty funny if you play swarm black templar. He also has the Zealot rule and projects it to any Black Templar units within 6' of him. His servitors also project a 6+ invulnerable save to any Black Tempar within 6' of him. He's not a frontline dueling character but he works well if used with Helbrecht to make your Crusader Squads enter BEAST MODE. Just get as many 20 man units of crusaders as you can.

It is pretty funny to put around 80-90 marines with upgrades on the board for 1500 points.I forgot that the razor back would get objective secured from the crusader squad, so that may be useful. Crusader squad 1 (the lascannon guys), play them as a tactical squad instead (sgt for character challenges if it happens) drop the plasma gun, drop every upgrade including the ones on the razorback (although aesthetically it would look cool) take the twin linked lascannon.

These guys should start unmounted and set up in cover. You probably won't be moving these guys. The razorback counts as objective secured and can move on its own. Gives you 2 lascannon shots to pick things apart, one of which is twin linkedcrusader 2. If you want these guys in combat, drop bolters for chainswords, take a flamer or melta gun instead so you can charge.

Drop the grav pistol (15 pts is way overpriced). Put them in a drop pod (the one from the dread).you cant assault out of either a rhino or a drop pod, but the pod lets you get them up close at least in turn 1, and if they make it they can assault turn 2. Be sure to keep the two guys with powerswords somewhere in the middle so they wont be killed first. And challenge everything.Assault squad.play the claw as a standard power weapon, you get an extra attack instead which is probably more important than having shred. Start these guys on the table, and pray for good runs.Dread.The way he's armed, I would not even drop pod him hes got two guns, which is majority of your current AT power, and pretty much auto hits, so let him sit back and chip away at transports.

Give the pod to the crusaders.Land Raider - drop the hunter killer. This guy is your anti-blob weapon. 16 twin linked shots, 17 including the melta. If you roll well, you can decimate entire squads with this. Remember the Power of the machine spirit which pretty much lets you split fire.You can play the Emperor's champion as a captain if you wish. He's armed for it, and honestly probably would be oh so much better.

Give him the burning blade and arty armour and even a storm shield if you wish and he will slice and dice like no tommorow, throw him and the assault termies together and they will have a fun time.I would look into a bit more long ranged AT. You have 1 lascannon, 2 autocannons, and a multi-melta and thats it (hunter killers are more for desperation than anything else)Points saved from dropping hunter killers and all the random upgrades, you can get a devastator squad with 3 lascannons (with a signum) or a bunch of other fun things that will help round out your army.I wouldn't get named characters at this point.your terminators + land raider soak up a third of your list, so you don't have much leeway for troops.

Well, its been found, and I've read it. The Black Templars are officially part of the Space Marine codex. Before readers get upset about it, Robbin Cruddace talks very specifically about the subject in the September White Dwarf.I will not quote what is said, for obvious reasons. Here is a rundown of what is important.The Black Templar are now part of the Space Marine codex.Black Templar are the only chapter with access to Crusader Squads with Land Raider dedicated transports. Also the only chapter with Emperor's Champions.Allows many more units and flexibility being apart of the Space Marine codex.Unique Black Templar background and lore is in the codex as well.Each of the first founding chapters and the Black Templar have access to unique chapter tactics for their chapter.Imperial Fists are seige specialists and tank hunters.Salamanders are flame weapon experts.There are 30 successor chapters mentioned in the new codex.I take this to meaning that the Black Templar will be getting their own supplement. As well as others like the Imperial Fists and Salamanders. This website is completely unofficial and is in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited.

Black templar land raider crusader

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Black templars army

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