It’s plenty of fun to rob banks and take hostages in the vanilla version of the game, but the right Payday 2 mods will make the experience even better. Before we continue, we recommend downloading This tool makes installing many mods a simple drag-and-drop process.Every game has its own AI problems, and this great game is no exception. Thankfully, there’s a mod out there which provides a simple fix Better. Makes numerous changes to the way your bot teammates interact with the world, from having bots automatically mark turrets to being able to shoot through other bots and hostages so they don’t cause any more accidental deaths. The mod also lets players customize a number of bot features, including health and movement speed.

Payday 2 How To Convert Enemies

This mod improves hostages and makes them easier to handle so everyone can make it out of your heists alive. This increases the maximum distance you can be from a hostage before they lie down from 20 meters to 200 meters. It will be difficult to get 200 meters away from your hostages, however, as the mod multiplies their speed by 1.5.also allows for three hostages to be following you at a time. Finally, you can stop killing innocents because they’re too difficult to deal with, and instead focus on getting the money and getting out.

Payday 2 how to convert enemies to god
  • This mod lets you issue various types of order to your AI teammates. Enhance path of all bots so they get to you faster. Provide behaviors like 'use cover' or 'patrol'.
  • You can now place 2 doctor bags instead of just one. Your doctor bags have 2 more charges. Joker You can convert a non-special enemy to fight on your side.
Payday 2 How To Convert Enemies

Payday 2 How To Convert Enemies To God

Hello, I was just wondering if there is already a script or if someone can make a script that spawns Cloakers. I don't care if you make a script that spawns them whenever I press the toggle key (insert) or if they spawn in with other enemies, or if you replace say tazers with cloakers. Also, is there anyway to modify the damage a special enemy can take before dieing?

This mod overhauls many aspects of the game and also adds new units. Not only does it rework enemy statistics and improve police AI, it also changes player weapon statistics, player character statistics, and makes changes to progression.On top of the changes it makes, Restoration Mod adds new enemies like the Grenadier, who uses teargas to try and smoke you and your thief friends out of hiding. There are too many changes and additions in this mod to list them all here, so be sure to check out the to see every modification it makes.

Payday 2 How To Convert Enemies Lyrics

Page Tools.Introduction The Mastermind class is the main support class. A skilled mastermind will heal the crew, as well as provide many passive bonuses to ensure the success of the heist.All skills that give perks to the crew also give them to you.Unlocking The Mastermind Game description The Mastermind is a manupulative leader who excels in situational control.Spending the first point in the Mastermind skill tree unlocks the ability to place the doctor bag deployable.