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  2. Diablo 2 Cta Runeword
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Rune words diablo 2

Submit a new post: All Welcome toThis Diablo II community server has one main goal: Increase build diversity and replayability with as little changes to the original experience as possible. The skill tree has been rebalanced so that skills that are underpowered and rarely used are now viable, allowing you to create many more builds than before. The end game has also been revamped so that more areas are worth exploring, allowing you to experience more varied content. These modifications combine the best ideas from both Diablo II and Path of Exile, two of the best ARPGs in existence. We hope you join our community and enjoy yourself on the server!. This is a community server. It does not cost anything to play.

We do not make money from this. We have no affiliation with Blizzard or Grinding Gear Games. We do not support piracy. We urge you to buy a legit copy of the game. Posting about torrents or anything related to piracy is forbidden and will result in a permanent ban. We had another thread about this topic. So i'll quote some of the discussion we had which should sum up this answer.Barbs get a slightly higher% life from BO but that's all the advantage.

Your saying that having slightly more life is resulting in barbs being much better? I kind of disagree. BO gives you more life but not more mitigation. Amazon's might have less life, but they also take less damage per second via their passives.Your saying the life pool difference is why barbs are better right? Well why don't you time yourself clearing those dungeons with a WW barb or any other barb of your choosing. Will they be fast? Or even able to clear it?

No because their life pool will be irrelevant.I don't think CTA is a problem. Also, Fohg a fellow dev, also has had his own server without CTA in it for over a year now and they have no issues with it. He removed it completely because he could not find a way to make it so people didn't NEED it 100%. We nerfed it 50% and yet it is still a requirement on everyone. (don't worry I don't plan on removing it)Technically, some classes have similar EHP, see this example about necros:Actually bone necro use Bone Armor which absorbs all damage up to a certain amount. So as long as he keeps recasting bone armor, he will take 0 damageSo realisticly, with good gear (which all characters should have before entering dungeons) and the new CTA; your necro will have about 2k life and lvl 28-ish bone armor (probably higher lvl).

If my memory serves right, the amount of damage it will absorb is just under 2k.So that's a necro with 3.9k effective hp if he keeps bone armor active.In this case, the Necro has hp that competes with the barb.So not only does bone armour necro have similar hp as the barb when using CTA, but other classes like Amazon have actually more mitigation potential than barb. This means that although the amazon might have lower hp, it will go down slower than the barbs.Remember CTA gives less life%, but are you forgetting that this is an item that gives you +1 all skills and 26% maximum life. As an off-hand? That is wicked strong. You feel like it was a huge nerf because on battle.net you were getting an insane weapon for relatively cheap, whereas now its appropriately priced (and unfortunately still arguably mandatory).I'll quote a few comments from other people here:CtA in this server works at 50% effectiveness yeah.

The item is overpowered and every class except barb builds one.The new CtA does have some issues but in all honesty the old version adding 500-1k+ life was straight busted.Lastly, this is not a very expensive runeword. After Insight & Spirit, that's pretty much the first runeword you do on caster. I don't think your understanding what 'Required' is in this case.Both shaco and stormshield are best in slot for a lot of builds yes, but they are not the best for all builds. Jalal's mane, Arreat's, Andy's are examples of helms that in some cases may be better. Same with shields: Spirit, Herald, etc.

But in all builds, CTA is best in slot because it uses the offhand slot, so it doesn't replace anything. It has nothing competing with it for that slot.What else would you use in your offhand slot? A teleportation staff maybe? Basically because CTA works on your offhand, and there isn't much of any items you would put in the offhand, it is more than best in slot; it is unchallenged. You don't even have to weigh your options, you just make one, regardless of build. CtA is still really good I won't deny that, but nerfing it heavily without any other buffs makes it feel expensive.

If you dislike the idea of removing the high runes from the recipe how about making the rolls on BO/BC not as wide example 4-6 BO, 2-4 BC. Or increase the duration of the shouts, having to rebuff lvl 8 BO every minute is a pain since I don't get added duration from synergies.The item just feels so high risk with this server pop, runes aren't that common and you can't just trade around for them. Taking some of the risk out of making the item, or removing a rune altogether would help a lot.@Halinn Cause the title isn't Silence or Wrath. The issues with barbarians isn't the CTA nerf nor is it BO. The idea behind the CTA nerf was to promote barbarian play (which really isn't needed since Ethrow is insanely overpowered). I think it was an Okay change, I like the idea of no CTA, because CTA in my mind was never required, and I always looked at it as a final item to obtain.

The demand hasn't changed, whether it gives 500 or 5000 life, it still gives a bonus that has zero drawbacks to it, so you'll always end up getting it. It's never been a 'barb replacement' either in my mind, as a lvl 18 BO isn't a lvl 33-36 BO. Barbs also give Shout, which is insanely good. (Going from 70% chance a mob hits you to 25% chance or lower is crazy). It would be cool to see barb skills like this one buffed to give resistances too maybe, as to have more of a need for them.(Of course after nerfing ethrow/balancing things out etc).

Submit a new post: All Welcome toThis Diablo II community server has one main goal: Increase build diversity and replayability with as little changes to the original experience as possible. The skill tree has been rebalanced so that skills that are underpowered and rarely used are now viable, allowing you to create many more builds than before. The end game has also been revamped so that more areas are worth exploring, allowing you to experience more varied content. These modifications combine the best ideas from both Diablo II and Path of Exile, two of the best ARPGs in existence. We hope you join our community and enjoy yourself on the server!. This is a community server.

It does not cost anything to play. We do not make money from this. We have no affiliation with Blizzard or Grinding Gear Games. We do not support piracy. We urge you to buy a legit copy of the game. Posting about torrents or anything related to piracy is forbidden and will result in a permanent ban.

We had another thread about this topic. So i'll quote some of the discussion we had which should sum up this answer.Barbs get a slightly higher% life from BO but that's all the advantage. Your saying that having slightly more life is resulting in barbs being much better? I kind of disagree. BO gives you more life but not more mitigation. Amazon's might have less life, but they also take less damage per second via their passives.Your saying the life pool difference is why barbs are better right?

Well why don't you time yourself clearing those dungeons with a WW barb or any other barb of your choosing. Will they be fast? Or even able to clear it?

No because their life pool will be irrelevant.I don't think CTA is a problem. Also, Fohg a fellow dev, also has had his own server without CTA in it for over a year now and they have no issues with it. He removed it completely because he could not find a way to make it so people didn't NEED it 100%.

We nerfed it 50% and yet it is still a requirement on everyone. (don't worry I don't plan on removing it)Technically, some classes have similar EHP, see this example about necros:Actually bone necro use Bone Armor which absorbs all damage up to a certain amount. So as long as he keeps recasting bone armor, he will take 0 damageSo realisticly, with good gear (which all characters should have before entering dungeons) and the new CTA; your necro will have about 2k life and lvl 28-ish bone armor (probably higher lvl). If my memory serves right, the amount of damage it will absorb is just under 2k.So that's a necro with 3.9k effective hp if he keeps bone armor active.In this case, the Necro has hp that competes with the barb.So not only does bone armour necro have similar hp as the barb when using CTA, but other classes like Amazon have actually more mitigation potential than barb. This means that although the amazon might have lower hp, it will go down slower than the barbs.Remember CTA gives less life%, but are you forgetting that this is an item that gives you +1 all skills and 26% maximum life. As an off-hand?

That is wicked strong. You feel like it was a huge nerf because on battle.net you were getting an insane weapon for relatively cheap, whereas now its appropriately priced (and unfortunately still arguably mandatory).I'll quote a few comments from other people here:CtA in this server works at 50% effectiveness yeah.

The item is overpowered and every class except barb builds one.The new CtA does have some issues but in all honesty the old version adding 500-1k+ life was straight busted.Lastly, this is not a very expensive runeword. After Insight & Spirit, that's pretty much the first runeword you do on caster. I don't think your understanding what 'Required' is in this case.Both shaco and stormshield are best in slot for a lot of builds yes, but they are not the best for all builds. Jalal's mane, Arreat's, Andy's are examples of helms that in some cases may be better. Same with shields: Spirit, Herald, etc.

Diablo 2 Call To Arms Base

But in all builds, CTA is best in slot because it uses the offhand slot, so it doesn't replace anything. It has nothing competing with it for that slot.What else would you use in your offhand slot?

A teleportation staff maybe? Basically because CTA works on your offhand, and there isn't much of any items you would put in the offhand, it is more than best in slot; it is unchallenged. You don't even have to weigh your options, you just make one, regardless of build. CtA is still really good I won't deny that, but nerfing it heavily without any other buffs makes it feel expensive. If you dislike the idea of removing the high runes from the recipe how about making the rolls on BO/BC not as wide example 4-6 BO, 2-4 BC.

Or increase the duration of the shouts, having to rebuff lvl 8 BO every minute is a pain since I don't get added duration from synergies.The item just feels so high risk with this server pop, runes aren't that common and you can't just trade around for them. Taking some of the risk out of making the item, or removing a rune altogether would help a lot.@Halinn Cause the title isn't Silence or Wrath.

The issues with barbarians isn't the CTA nerf nor is it BO. The idea behind the CTA nerf was to promote barbarian play (which really isn't needed since Ethrow is insanely overpowered). Itrip fm transmitter.

Diablo 2 Cta Runeword

I think it was an Okay change, I like the idea of no CTA, because CTA in my mind was never required, and I always looked at it as a final item to obtain. The demand hasn't changed, whether it gives 500 or 5000 life, it still gives a bonus that has zero drawbacks to it, so you'll always end up getting it. It's never been a 'barb replacement' either in my mind, as a lvl 18 BO isn't a lvl 33-36 BO. Barbs also give Shout, which is insanely good.

Diablo 2 Call To Arms Flail

(Going from 70% chance a mob hits you to 25% chance or lower is crazy). It would be cool to see barb skills like this one buffed to give resistances too maybe, as to have more of a need for them.(Of course after nerfing ethrow/balancing things out etc).