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Being a vassal pays a lot better in a long run.But being a mercenary gives you a lot of freedom,kings won't begrudge you for joining up with one of his enimies once your contract is over,and when your mercenary contract is over you can catch a break,get some new recruits and train them up to mid tier to prepare them for war,while being a vassal means you generally can't get a break until your kingdom is at peace with everyone. (Which is rare and doesn't really last long.)If you've got the troops for it,go vassal,otherwise,be a mercenary and take a lesiurely pace through the game,also lord missions get a lot tougher and somewhat less frequent.

Prophesy Of Pendor Mercenary 1

Depends on you but I vote for 'be your own faction.' The nobles in this game are complete twits, I'm never following any of them ever again.Let's begin with King Yargolek, who famously held a feast at Reyvdavin while nearly nine-hundred enemy men looted the surrounding villages, went north, and sacked Curaw. I tried to tell him, but he said he had other affairs to attend to. I asked him what he and his men were doing, and he seemed content with attending a feast, insisting that we should all partake unless there was an emergency. I serioursly thought he was about to tell me that I should have been there ten years ago when the nation was beset by a blizzard of sharks.Granted, that one was a bit of my own fault. I forgot that the Vaegirs are basically Russsians so they have to lose half the country or more to start thinking seriously about war. Some of it is just the game, though.

Prophesy of Pendor V3.42 WARBAND SINGLE PLAYER ONLY Not save game compatible with earlier versions Synopsis From the Founding of Pendor - the year is 354 A King has not ruled the shattered land of Pendor for many generations. What was once a proud accomplishment of man now is steeped in the myths of folklore and told as children’s bedtime stories.

Jarl Gundur, marshal of the Nordic armies, rallied the banners during the first great war against Swadia. All answered the summons and we assembled a mighty host at Jelbegi castle. Our first mission; to go to the far northwest of our own kingdom, to Cheblek (or whatever) castle to gather more men because the Jarl forgot to bring his own.Didn't turn out to be such a great war after all. It was pretty much just me and the castle garrison fighting a series of desperate sallying actions and seige defenses until we were overrun and massacred. The Nords sued for peace, I lost my fife of Ambean, and King Ragnar decided to hold a feast.These are just a couple of examples to show you what you're in for if you swear fealty. The pointless summmons and idiotic campaigns never stop.

Should you manage to take a castle for yourself, it will likely be awarded to some fool who will lose it a week later. Better to just take the castle and hold onto it with a hundred elite troops or so, preferably while the former owners are at war with somebody else.Anyway, that's my opinion. Go freelancer all the way. You make more money than you would as a mercenary just doing the old spice run to Tulga, which has additional benefits in itself.

Your character may not be a real man, but they can still smell like one. Originally posted by:Rhodok troops fall quickly to swadians from my experience. You should go and attack them so you can get a castle. Thats how I did it.doesnt work on higher difficulty levels.

I myself recruited around 50 elite rhodok troops, crossbowmen and spearmen. The rhodok spearmen when braced held against 400 swadian horse troops easily, since they just rush towards you, then fall from their horses, adn lastly the crossbowmen pick them off from the distance since their shields are minimal and bad. The easiest faction to defeat on high difficulty level ive seen is Khergits. Im now leader of my own faction, with around 600 personal men in my army + garrisons, since i own narra, tulga and ichamur myself, also distar castle.The Khergits were doing war against sarranids, so i tought why not, i took my rhodok elite troops and sliced trough their armies so that they were down on their castles with 1-10 troops, and i captured all of their castles and towns in a single swoop, without of much recruiting, since they died fastly.Although now i own everything they had, theyre still not in defeated state.

Since only 3 of their vassals are in Khergits, and Vaegirs have only 1 castle remaining too xD. Originally posted by:Rhodok troops fall quickly to swadians from my experience. You should go and attack them so you can get a castle.

Thats how I did it.doesnt work on higher difficulty levels. I myself recruited around 50 elite rhodok troops, crossbowmen and spearmen. The rhodok spearmen when braced held against 400 swadian horse troops easily, since they just rush towards you, then fall from their horses, adn lastly the crossbowmen pick them off from the distance since their shields are minimal and bad.higher difficult you say? The AI is too stupid to use spearmen properly against cavalry, no matter what difficult i tried, swadian knights are pretty much the best choice for any battle, but the rhodok crossbowmen are also pretty strong, melee and ranged so yeah i would say rhodoks/swadians but at the end the best faction is the faction you're in.

Originally posted by:higher difficult you say? The AI is too stupid to use spearmen properly against cavalry, no matter what difficult i tried, swadian knights are pretty much the best choice for any battle, but the rhodok crossbowmen are also pretty strong, melee and ranged so yeah i would say rhodoks/swadians but at the end the best faction is the faction you're inNo, I'd say you were right the first time.

Swadian knights are absolute monsters once you can afford to keep them around. On open terrain they are unbeatable, challenged only by the Saranid Mamlukes who, sadly, do not seem to like shields.No matter how good crossbowmen are, they do exaclty zero damage when they hit the shield, which is most of the time they aren't hitting the armored horse. For crossbowmen to be effective, they have to posess a very superior terrain advantage and preferably some infantry to block for them.

Well heck, by the time you get that position set up the cavalry is already there.Even if the infantry block, they generally don't hold up the knights for long. No infantry unit in the game has a spear longer than the great lances Swadian knights carry, and their armor is useless against the piercing damage of the Morningstar in melee.Often the simplest strategies are the most effective; fewer elements to go wrong. Never was this more true than in a game that has no cavalry fatigue and no penalty for marshy terrain.

It's basically an ideal cavalryman's battlefield, barring the odd charge up or down a vertical cliff, and maybe a battle or two fought in the depths of a freezing river.Infantry combat is no exception. The knights still have the advantage because of their morningstars and the ability of such to break blocks. Have you ever tried one? Dese fings is ded killy!Finally, expensive as they are, Swadian knights end up being cheaper than infantry given the same tasks.

I would almost call it a balance issue, but I like knights and historically they weren't very balanced anyway. It would be different if infantry could be fielded in sufficient numbers to overwhelm knights, but the limited size of battles favors the mount, not the foot.


The player may choose to become a Mercenary for a faction. The function is similar, but not equal to.To become a mercenary, you need to make a mercenary contract with one of the factions.

Prophesy Of Pendor Forum

This will allow you to fight their enemies and participate in sieges, but you will not receive any fiefs like you would if you were a vassal.To make a contract you must ask a vassal of the faction that you want to join if they have a task. There is quite a high chance that he will ask you to become a mercenary, which you can then accept.Mercenary contracts last for 30 days, and can be renewed for another 30 days. When becoming a mercenary, you will receive an initial payment dependent on your renown, honor, relation with the lord you speak with, relation with the faction and your persuasion skill. You will always receive at least 500 denars and never more than 15000.

Weekly wages are dependent on your party's combat skill (auto-calc).Notes:. A faction needs to be at war before it starts looking for mercenary help. Hiring mercenaries in peacetime is a waste of money. Once you are a mercenary with a faction, though, you can renew your contract as long as you please regardless of war.

Prophesy Of Pendor Troop Tree

Kings never hire mercenaries, only lords. The faction must have 0 or higher relations with you.