Hi, you can use one for the following methods:1. Use TweakVI2. Use Vista Shortcut Overlay Remover (FxVisor 1.0)3. Remove the shortcut arrow from your icons by doing the following:Copy and Paste the following code into Notepad and save it as 'Remove Shortcut Arrows.reg' (without the quotes)Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00HKEYCLASSESROOTlnkfile@='Shortcut'EditFlags'=dword:00000001'FriendlyTypeName'='@shell32.dll,-4153'NeverShowExt'='Manual Installation of this tweak1.

  1. Two Blue Arrows On Icons Windows 10

Two Blue Arrows On Icons Windows 10

Blue arrows in shortcuts - Windows 10 November Update Mini Spy. But the two blue arrows on the top right. I see them as well, over shortcuts as well as actual documents. I think it means that.

Blue arrows on desktop icons windows 10Two Blue Arrows On Icons

Open Regedit (Start - Run - type 'Regedit') (withoutquotes)2. Navigate to:HKEYCLASSESROOT - lnkfile (LNKFILE)3. Delete the following key 'IsShorcut'4.

Close REGEDIT and Restart your computer.After applying this tweak it is necessary for you to RESTART your machine so the new settings take effect. Hi, you can use one for the following methods:1. Use TweakVI2. Use Vista Shortcut Overlay Remover (FxVisor 1.0)3. Remove the shortcut arrow from your icons by doing the following:Copy and Paste the following code into Notepad and save it as 'Remove Shortcut Arrows.reg' (without the quotes)Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00HKEYCLASSESROOTlnkfile@='Shortcut'EditFlags'=dword:00000001'FriendlyTypeName'='@shell32.dll,-4153'NeverShowExt'='Manual Installation of this tweak1. Open Regedit (Start - Run - type 'Regedit') (withoutquotes)2.

Navigate to:HKEYCLASSESROOT - lnkfile (LNKFILE)3. Delete the following key 'IsShorcut'4. Close REGEDIT and Restart your computer.After applying this tweak it is necessary for you to RESTART your machine so the new settings take effect.

Do you have Norton 360 or some other Norton security suite? If so, that's why. The double blue icons means there are files that haven't been backed up. It can be turned off. Go to Norton 360= and learn how to turn it off, reboot and they will be gone. For anyone that does have Norton 360, if you kept it turnedon, when you backed up the files, the icon would turn a solid green arrow instead of the 2 blue arrows.I hope this helps.Good luck!Lorien - MCSE/MCSA/Network+/A+ - If this post helps to resolve your issue, please click the 'Mark as Answer' or 'Helpful' button at the top of this message. By marking a post as Answered, or Helpful you help others find the answer faster.