Previous Post Peter Norvig: How Computers Learn Next Post Solved: scipy-0.15.1-cp34-none-winamd64.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform. Previous Post Peter Norvig: How Computers Learn Next Post Solved: scipy-0.15.1-cp34-none-winamd64.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform.
All you need to do is to know how to save images as wallpapers, and there you go! You will have a wallpaper that suits your needs and preferences. Pictures of the master sword.
Welcome to!Please read the rules and guidelines below and before posting.All learning resources are in the wiki:Frequently Asked Questions:Join us in the IRC channel: ##learnpython on irc.freenode.netWebchat link:Guide on how to join and different IRC clients: Rules General Rules.Posting only assignment/project goal is not allowed. Read posting guidelines.Easily googleable questions are not allowed.Posting screenshot of the code is (generally) not allowed. Edit:tl;dr windows hates C code, some python modules have C code, just use installersbasically, there is a problem which linux doesn't have an issue with, but windows stuffs up fairly poorlytwo types of modules:.pure python modules are coded in 100% python.Python/C modules, where C is used to speedup parts of the python codeon linux, C is easy to handle, just run the install script, it will compile the C code, do everything righton Windows, it gets a bit more difficult. The main python binary that you grab from the website, is built in Visual Studio 2006 2008, how is this a problem?.Visual Studio is a non-free compiler, so you need to either be a student or have money to be able to access it.its the 2006 2008 edition, I mean, wtf (the reason for this is backwards compatibility. Since Windows doesn't come with a standard compiler, there isn't any compiler for the whole OS, and so you can't compile everything to a certain version, so they picked 2k8 and stuck with it for all packages(blah blah blah))what does this mean?
1 of the following!.install the wheel of the python package, which should provide windows C binaries and everything goes happy.just find the installer from the package installation instructions (scipy and numpy do this iirc) and everything goes happy.install from the unofficial python binaries page, the one you linked. And then everything goes happy.install visual studio 2k6, and fix some compatibility bugs that have appeared in the last 3 revisions of this worth setting up an entire new OS just for this problem? I'd personally say no, the solution is to just run installers instead of going though pip, for specific packages. I personally don't feel that is too much of a burden.