1. Best Dark Souls Mods Armor Weapons

Best Dark Souls Mods Armor Weapons

Here is the best way to Farm Souls in Dark Souls 3. This Article will show you how to farm more than 100000 Souls in every 15 minutes and the best farming location.

Best Dark Souls ModsDark

Released in March, Dark Souls 3 quickly became thefastest selling game in the history of Bandai Namco, selling over three millioncopies worldwide in just under two months. Since then, the game’s been praised endlessfor its scope and design, and has been heralded almost universally as a worthyconclusion to an otherwise impeccable quadrilogy of games.With that said, nothing’s perfect, and everything canbe improved, developed upon by secondary creators, and transformed intosomething completely dissimilar, or enhanced in numerous interesting ways.Ifyou’re a PC gamer with a penchant for experimentation, the world of Dark Souls doesn’thave to be as rigid as it once seemed. In fact, with the help of just a handfulof mods, the game itself can be transformed into pretty much anything, and allthose niggling drawbacks can be easily eradicated.Contrary to popular opinion, even that which isn’tbroken can still easily be fixed, and while Dark Souls 3 has been considered anessentially faultless experience, it too can benefit from a just a handful ofgraphical improvements, as well as gameplay tweaks.So, here are 10essential mods that make Dark Souls 3 even better, if that’s at all possible.