Every Character in Mortal Kombat X has an alternative costume. It can be Unlocked in different ways. Here is the Guide how to Unlock all Alternate Costumes in Mortal Kombat X. How to unlock all alternate skins in Mortal Kombat X. There's a lot to be said about Mortal Kombat X, and I don't feel like saying any of it.Instead, you get a convenient and easy-to-use guide to unlocking most of the game's alternate costumes. Apr 21, 2015  Alternate Costumes are different outfits for your fighters in Mortal Kombat X. In order to use them, you’ll need to unlock them in the game first. After you’ve done that, press Square (X on Xbox) in the character selection screen, and you’ll see all the costumes you have for the selected. Mortal kombat 10 krypt guide. Apr 25, 2015  Note #1: We're still refining the exact unlocking methods on a few of these costumes, so if you find anything that didn't work for you please let us know in the comments below. Note #2: For Kombat Pack 2 we have new details on how to unlock Cyber Sub-Zero. For more information on Mortal Kombat X check out Prima's free guide or our Krypt.

Character Sheets & Compendium. Community Forums. Issues with the 'Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition (cWoD)' Character Sheet by John W. By GiGs 8 q; 101 E; TAS Replacing an Auto-calc with a sheetworker. Character sheets for the new Werewolf. Statistics Total Files 2288 Total Downloads 4937275. In Dungeons & Dragons, a lycanthrope (/. And the werewolf appeared in the Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set (1977, 1981, 1983). The devil swine appeared in the D&D Expert Set (1981, 1983). One for the human form, another for the beast, using the Werecreature Character Record Sheet, a single-page form that comes with the package.

Contents.Publication history Dungeons & Dragons (1974–1976) The werebear, the wereboar, the weretiger, and the werewolf first appeared in the original (1974). The wererat (or rat men) first appeared in the supplement (1975). Lycanthropes in general were further detailed in the 1975 supplement. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition (1977–1988) The werebear, the wereboar, the wererat, the weretiger, and the werewolf appeared in the first edition of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons in the original (1977). The werebear, the wereboar, the wererat, the weretiger, and the werewolf appeared as in #24 (April 1979). The werebear appeared as a in #17,.

The werebadger, the werebison, the weredire, the werejaguar, the wereleopard, the werelion, the wereram, the weresabre, the weresloth, and the wereweasel appeared in #40 (August 1980). The foxwoman and the wereshark first appeared in the original Monster Manual II (1983). Dungeons & Dragons (1977–1999) The werebear, the wereboar, the wererat, the weretiger, and the werewolf appeared in the (1977, 1981, 1983).


The devil swine appeared in the (1981, 1983). The wereshark appeared in the adventure module (1984). The werebat, the werefox, and the wereseal appeared in the set (1985). All of these lycanthropes appeared in the (1991).

The devil swine, the werebat, the werebear, the wereboar, the werefox, the werejaguar, the greater wererat, the wereseal, the wereshark, the weretiger, and the werewolf appeared as in (1992).In a review of Night Howlers by game designer, he describes D&D game lycanthropes as disease victims rather than members of a unique race. Any human can become a werecreature.

Players using lycanthropic PCs must keep two sets of statistics, one for the human form, another for the beast, using the Werecreature Character Record Sheet, a single-page form that comes with the package. The 'Werewolves' Manual' allows most special abilities to be received as level advancement bonuses. The D&D rules require lycanthropy victims to assume the alignment of their beast-form, which is usually Chaotic, but Night Howlers allows a PC lycanthrope to make a when transforming; a successful throw enables a bestial PC to retain the alignment of his human form. Normally, an infected PC automatically transforms during the full moon, but Night Howlers enables him to resist the change with a successful saving throw; conversely, he may transform voluntarily by making a Constitution check, modified by the phase of the moon, and at higher levels a lycanthrope can change into an intermediate 'beast-man,' combining the special abilities of both his animal and human forms. The combat section clarifies the effects of damage—an injury suffered by the active form can affect the inactive form as well—and suggests penalties for lycanthropes who do not get enough rest. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition (1989–1999) The werebear, the wererat, the weretiger, and the werewolf appeared in the second edition of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons in the (1989), and the wereboar and the werefox (foxwoman) appeared in the Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989); all of these were reprinted in the (1993). The werepanther and the werepanther lord appeared in Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Two (1995).

Werewolf Characters Game

The werespider appeared in Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Three (1996). The wererat was expanded in further detail in Dragon #251 (September 1998).The werebison, the werecat, the weredog, the weredolphin, the wereleopard, the wereowl ('wrowl'), the werepanther, and the werespider appeared for the setting in (1989). The werecrocodile appeared for the Forgotten Realms setting in (1990), and reprinted in Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Three (1996). The werebat and the wereraven appeared for the setting in the Monstrous Compendium Ravenloft Appendix (1991), and reprinted in the Monstrous Manual (1993) and Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium Appendices I & II (1996). The werebat appeared for the Forgotten Realms setting in (1991) and the Monstrous Compendium Forgotten Realms Appendix II (1991) under the 'bat, deep' entry. The werehyena and the werelion appeared for the setting in the Monstrous Compendium Al-Qadim Appendix (1992). The werebadger and the werejaguar appeared for the Ravenloft setting in (1993), and the loup du noir (skin-changer) appeared in Dark of the Moon (1993); these were reprinted in Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume One (1994).


The werejaguar and the wereswine appeared for the setting in the Mystara Monstrous Compendium Appendix (1994). The wereshark appeared for the Forgotten Realms setting in the City of Splendor boxed set (1994), and reprinted in the Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Two (1995). The werejackal, the werejaguar, the wereleopard,Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness (1994)Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition (2000–2007) The lycanthrope appeared as a in the third edition (2000), and in the 3.5 revised Monster Manual (2003); sample creatures included the werebear, the wereboar, the wererat, the weretiger, and the werewolf. Several lycanthropes are presented for the Forgotten Realms setting in (2001) including the werebat, werecrocodile, and the wereshark. Lycanthropes are presented as player character races in (2003). The werebear, the wereboar, the wererat, the weretiger, and the werewolf appeared as player character races in Dragon #313 (November 2003). The werecrocodile is also presented again in (2005).

Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition (2008–2014) The wererat and the werewolf appeared in the fourth edition in Monster Manual (2008). The wereserpent appeared in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide (2008), the wereboar. The weretiger, and the werewolf lord appeared in Monster Manual 2 (2009).Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (2014–) The werebear, wereboar, weretiger, wererat, and werewolf appeared in the fifth edition Monster Manual (2014). The wereraven appeared in the module, (2016). The werebat was added in the module.Description In the standard Dungeons & Dragons rules, lycanthropy is both hereditary (the children of lycanthropes are lycanthropes of the same type) and infectious (victims of lycanthrope bites become lycanthropes themselves, of the same type as the attacker). The rules distinguish between natural and afflicted lycanthropes, according to the cause of lycanthropy, and handle them by different rules.Hereditary lycanthropes can change shape at will, and retain their personality, being in control of their actions. Infected lycanthropes' shapechanges are affected by the full moon.

They usually are not aware of their actions and act as aggressive predators.Lycanthropes can assume the form of an animal/humanoid hybrid, in addition to their animal form. Most lycanthropes in animal form can communicate with animals of their type. Retrieved 18 March 2012. Archived from on 2008-10-03. Retrieved 2008-10-03.,.

Dungeons & Dragons (3-Volume Set) (TSR, 1974). and Robert Kuntz. (TSR, 1975). (TSR, 1975). (TSR, 1977).

Pulsipher, Lewis (February–March 1980). 'My Life as a Werebear'. (article) format= requires url=. Monster Manual II (TSR, 1983)., and 1974, edited. Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set (TSR, 1977)., and Dori Watry. (TSR, 1991). (, 1992).

^ (April 1993). 'Role-playing Reviews'.: (#192): 86., et al. (, 1989)., et al. (, 1989). Stewart, Doug, ed. (TSR, 1993)., ed. Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Three (, 1996).

and Steve Kurtz. Monstrous Compendium Al-Qadim Appendix (, 1992). Van Richten's Guide to Werebeasts (TSR, 1993).

Wise, David, ed. Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume One (, 1994).,. Mystara Monstrous Compendium Appendix (, 1994)., and., 2000. Poisso, Dean. 'Animal Ancestry.' #313 (, 2003)., and., 2005. An example from the System Reference Document of the 3.5 Edition of the D&D-rules.

Wererats are also found in various games inspired by or based on Dungeons & Dragons such as, and.External links.

Scharacter Sheet Werewolf Darkage

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