Well i figured this one out long ago. Skyrim's world map is about four in-game mile's smaller in both length and hieght than oblivion's. Oblivion's world map was about twenty mile's in length and hieght in the game and skyrim's is 16 in both length and hieght. Its sort of like that in every TES game. Smaller world map's, more quests and hand holding, that sort of thing. I hope they make a huge.

(click to enlarge)I’m not sure how many Bothans died to get this information, but ElderScrolls.net managed to get a copy of the full map for Skyrim, and now you can start planning out your adventures ahead of the game’s release next month.You can see where the area is situated, north of Hammerfell and Cyrodiil, west of Morrowind. I can’t say I’m familiar with High Rock.What is not known however is the scale of this map, and how sprawling it actually is. I read somewhere how much bigger it was supposed to be than Cyrodiil of Oblivion, but I can’t seem to find that info. Any fans know?

Less empty space!?!?! Actually that’ s what was missing in Oblivion. Empty spaces. Every two steps there was a cave or some ruin. Personally I find it much more satisfying to come across a cave when I don’t feel I’m always a few meters away from one. I mean the cities in the game are separated by like ten mins on footI know I know, realism isn’t always the best but. I’d say for the next one, make the map at LEAST three times as big as Cyrodil but with the same amount of locations.

That would be a lot better. Ultimately, i found the map of Oblivion to be not big enough.

Look at Just Cause 2 for example. That map in a RPG would be genius (except maybe with slightly less water). I mean sure it didnt take too long to get from one end to the other in JC2 because you’re using cars and jets and choppers, but if you can only WALK it? It’s a huge map. When it comes to maps in games, in my opinion, big is ALWAYS best (especially in rpgs). Ok wellexcept maybe the map in Elder Scrolls II that might have been slightly too big (or at least, not diversified enough graphically for its size).

(click to enlarge)This is a rather cool image that’s answered a question I had recently. Just how big is Just Cause 2’s map?The picture pits various open world video game maps up against each other in terms of scale. Surprises include just how tiny GTA III’s map is in comparison (didn’t it seem huge at the time?) and how small Oblivion’s world is compared to Just Cause. I thought JC was bigger, but Oblivion always seemed so damn massive to me (probably because you were hoofing it everywhere), but it’s one of the smaller ones here. I also imagined World of Warcraft to be a lot bigger with 10 million players having to squeeze in. But I suppose they have different servers and all that.Burnout Paradise is a bit of a surprise, but I suppose its less of a big deal if you get to drive around all the time.

As for the other maps that were too big to even be pictured? Are those all really open world or are they cheating somehow. 62,000 square miles for Daggerfall? Could you walk the entire thing? I’m also curious as to where Fallout 3’s Wasteland would be on here. Probably about Oblivion-sized or smaller.Great job though, unknown person who made this, it was a very worthwhile project. @Chres and @AnakrusixIf you look at the Burnout map at the bottom by “Harbor Town” ther are a couple of ships when you hold the cursor over it it take about two magnifine glasses to cover it.

Now when you go to the GTA San Andreas map there is a aircraft carrier that you can cover with one magnifine glass.On the WOW map the capital citys only take up a couple of cursors. So according to this an entire city in WOW is equal to a couple of buildings in burnout.Some of these maps might be close but I am just saying that I think the Burnout map off, and that the WOW map is smaller than it should be.@AnakrusixYou can fly. The flight speed is about 300% faster than running. I agree with Croms, for example if you look at the whole LA area on the GTA san andreas map, it would fit in just a few blocks of the Burnout map. I’m actually very interested in this, as I collect maps from pretty much all games I’ve played with sandbox/large open worlds. Got some pretty big ones too.Also, I’m not sure but I think the makers of Test Drive Unlimited recreated the island of O’ahu pretty well, and from my impressions to scale. I do however think the Guild Wars nightfall campaign map is not nearly that big.

Oblivion Map Vs Skyrim Map Pdf

Oblivion Map Vs Skyrim Map

First of all, the ingame maps, the actual zones you can play in are fairly small areas and the rest of the map is just artistically filled in to give players a sense of immersion in the game. And even so, it would be way smaller than the TDU one.Just one look at the scale they have there seeing the 50 mile increment on the second map makes me laugh. So, not saying their any larger just curious.

Lets get other mmo maps on here. We got Asherons, LOTR, WoW, now do other mmo’s FF11, Dark Age of Camelot, Eve, Anarchy Online, Everquest.

You name it theres plenty more i cant think of off handAs for non mmo games. Whats Red Dead Redemptions map size?Crysis? Any others?Is there a website for this im very interested in this topicas one of the main selling points for games, for me, are size of the worlds with new things to see and do.(also FPS’s with tons of levels that actually connect. Think Red Faction 1) Think about it, we’ve been in alot of awesome worlds, but they have been minute in comparison and i only wish some of them were bigger. Considering a 300% flying mount is only probably equal to around 45-50 MPH, it isn’t surprising at all if these are accurate.

Morrowind map size vs skyrim

If you were in a car driving around at 100 MPH it would not take long at all to travel between Orgrimmar and Thunder Bluff.WoW is not really that large in terms of area that you can actually travel through. Relative to actual size (in square miles), a city in Warcraft is probably only about as large as the apartment complex, parking lot and minor landscaping around it I live at (in terms of how long it would take me to walk from one end to the other). Obviously that area would be passed through in a second or so if I was in a car moving that fast.

This comparison is way way way way way WAY WAY offI can take the entire first island from GTA 3 (Liberty city) And fit it into 1 city block on that Burnout paradise map which means this map comparison is way off. Heck I can take the entire Liberty city map, all 3 islands, and all the open water, and fit it into a couple of city blocks of that burnout map.So if anyone wondering if this is accurate, hell no.

It’s not even close. I’m assuming its taking what developers “claim” their game is.

But we all know that just by comparing the GTA map to the Burnout Paradise one that this is completely bogus. Elder Scroll (Any of them):Size is not everything, otherwise people would still be playing daggerfall all the time.Personally if you upped the graphics and interactions, I would take daggerfall over any game on your list. It was truely open ended, like Morrow Wind you could even kill people that were part of the main story line. It trumps any game out there for choices, vast number of skills and directions to take your character, and the number of spells available in the game even.The simple fact that it was made almost 2 decades ago, and no game has ever come close to such a feat since, I consider it a legendary game. The newer games (outside of Bethesda) seem to getting more narrow, even Skyrim seems to be somewhat narrow when it comes to dungeons, it is one directional. Though you have open ended exploration still available.

Games are getting simpler (Content wise) not more open, and personally I dislike it, I want to pick my own story, otherwise I would read a book. No game should be completable in less than a week of straight fanatical play, and even if you can complete it, you should have other options, choices, ways to do things. So far Bethesda appears to be the only company holding up such great standards in game design with Fallout and Elder Scroll.Soap box, what soap box?

Hello people. To end this argument I have to say that an open world racing game game called FUEL (2009) apparently has the largest map of all time. Bigger than Skyrim, bigger than Just Cause 2. It is apparently 5000 Square Miles in size.

Halo strident class frigates

Just Cause 2 is 400. O.O The only problem issome people say that free ride mode can get a little boring.

No traffic, no pedestrians, accelerated day-night cycle, not much action except for races. Just a huge, post-apocalyptic landscape. Nothing to do except race the only other existing people and explore the massive world.

It’s also multi-player so you can play online with other people. If you like open world racing games, this one you’ll probably like. FUEL is strictly racing, you cant get out of your car.

It has mixed reviews so it’s up to you to decide. It’s also on Steam for $10 so I might buy it. 🙂 If your reading this in 2015 or something, the price will most likely be much lower or Steam will not exist. If the price is higherdon’t buy it. The world is having issues. To clear up about Daggerfall.

It was really that big. I was trying to see how much it takes to reach from one pixel on the map to the next running with the horse and iirc it took me 10 minutes!

I have heard that someone from the dev or testing team said they tried to walk from one side of the map to the other and it took 2 weeks.But of course the outside was procedurally generated as other people said and I want to add it was weak (but fair for the times). You were seeing a slightly elevated heightmap with polygons, lost in fog. Sometimes if you reached parts of the map where there are supposed to be mountains, the elevation was more rough, texture change to something rocky, but you couldn’t go up and look back and stare the world. There was fog. So there was the same heightmap polygon renderer with fog changing elevation. So, yes you could walk for days on this to reach another far point but it was plain and boring. Unlike Oblivion or Skyrim where the open world is designed at most parts by level designers (only the enemies/loot might be a bit more random) so you have a smaller world than daggerfall but something you would like to walk on foot or on your horse instead of travelling directly from map.Still Daggerfall felt like a huge world.

Morrowind Map Size Vs Skyrim

You clicked on the map, you ticked/unticked cities/dungeons/graveyards/villages and you saw for each of them hundreds of little dots. Hundreds of villages, dungeons, sacred places. I am not sure if dungeons where generated, the enemies were random but there were 5-6 or more prototype dungeons or rooms you would feel like a deja vu, some dungeons where like others with some rooms removed/changed, so there was a procedural mixed of several dungeon with elements taken from those 5-6 prototype dungeons.Daggerfall was impressive. There was this huge world in 1996 with day/night changes, huge worlds, you went into the town and every person had his own name (procedural and you found the same name randomly in another place), you asked him for directions to an inn and there were 6 inns in the city, the dark dragon, the lost beef, the blue gem, etc.

In your typical rpg, there is one armory, one weapon maker, one inn, but in daggerfall you saw a big city with maybe 200 buildings and you had to check different weaponsmiths to see who is cheaper or has what you want. Interesting is that all these parallels in scenario like going to the dark brotherhood, joining the thiefs guild, bitten by werewolf, joining guilds, the strange cult, reading books, buying a house, doing side quests, etc, all complex stuff you see in Oblivion and Skyrim gameplay were always there on Daggerfall (and some were there in Arena too with it’s improved wolfenstein 3d style engine). Pitty the game was full of bugs 😛I am wondering now how big Arena was and why we don’t have info about this. The Burnout Paradise map is tiny and is smaller than all the others on the list with the exception of GTA III. But it is possible that even GTA III is bigger than the whole Paradise City, as Burnout Paradise just isn’t big at all.It seems to me that they simply going by what the developers claim it to be, and that isn’t no nowhere near accurate. If you look at the difference between San Andreas and Burnout, and realize that SA is actually much bigger than all of Burnout Paradise, it makes you question the overall validity of this comparison.And also even though I have never played Fuel, I somehow refuse to believe the map size of it. In San Andreas it takes roughly 10 minutes to get from one corner of the map to the other in a fast vehicle.

If the map size is to believed, then in Fuel it should take you 3 and a half hours from one corner of the map to the other. I am just not buying it. The game world of Daggerfall was (almost) completely generated, but only the outside landscape between points of interest was generated randomly and thus always different (it still uses a heightmap as a seed for the generator, so the basic landscape stays the same, too). The dungeons, NPC’s and towns however were generated by Bethesda and always the same, so in theory, you could create a walk-through for every single dungeon out of 3000.Oh, and even though there was a quick travel option, the game still felt big. As there was an unlimited number of quests (generated out of about 200 basic layouts), you could spend so many hours just exploring one of the 44 kingdoms.