Hey i think i may have had them same problem for me when launching the screen goes black with the loading logo on the curser and doesnt do anthing at all unless i back out or minimise then it says and exception has occured.seelogfile.txt and except.txt for details.does anyone know how to fix this?????

I have a slightly different issue but still can't get the game to work.Platform is Vista x64 Ultimate, and the usual high spec bits from a gamer. I have been in touch with Lucas arts who didn't support Forces of Corruption, so be careful there. They were nice enough to point me at Activision though. They had this to say:'Unfortunately we do not support the game on the 64 bit verison of Windows Vista.

The game was not tested on Vista itself, let alone the 64 bit version. I would recommend looking online to see if you can find any information on running the game on Vista 64. 'So I signed up here. The issue I am getting is that I installed the game and ran it perfectly, plus the graphics looked superb. I played a few games and then stopped playing whilst some windows updates happened.


I rebooted and then the game wouldn't work (Not Surprisingly). I had an Exception error'Exception in thread A98 - Main ThreadException code EXCEPTIONACCESSVIOLATIONThe thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.Attempt to read from address 00000018Exception occurred at 00996ADE - Unknown code pointerAt this point thinking it was a permissions issue of some odd description I ran the game in compatibility mode and then as administrator (although I am the admin) but this did not work either.Does anyone know who else to raise this with? 'Exception in thread A98 - Main ThreadException code EXCEPTIONACCESSVIOLATIONThe thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.Attempt to read from address 00000018Exception occurred at 00996ADE - Unknown code pointerAt this point thinking it was a permissions issue of some odd description I ran the game in compatibility mode and then as administrator (although I am the admin) but this did not work either.Does anyone know who else to raise this with? Hi Guys,I eventually got this to work. However, it does mean that I have to stick with the driver version that came with the graphics card.

I performed a fresh install and installed the neccassary drivers for the mother board etc so everything was fresh. Then installed the nvidia drivers from the graphics cd.I had no issues once FOC was installed and have been playing it since.

Forces Of Corruption Mods Exception Error Fix

The only problems I incurr now are that I can't run C&C 3 without another graphics issue but i'm not bothered about that game really. All other games UT3, Quake 4, Ultimate Commander and a few others work perfectly.I think I will suffer a few updates but I am taking the risk. Download wreck it ralph. I shall wait for SP2 for Vista to come out and try it al again.

Forces Of Corruption Faq

Hi Linda,Thank you for posting your query in Microsoft Community.From your issue description I understand that you are not able to download star Wars: Empire at War Forces of Corruption game.In order to help you better please provide us the following information:1) What is the exact error message you get?2)How exactly did you try to install the game?