
The memory patch from sheson has been ported to work for FNV in NVSE v4.2beta3 on the NVSE site. To get it to work you have to go into data/NVSE and create an ini with the name 'nvseconfig.ini'. Then open the ini and add this: MemoryDefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=400.

Table of Contents.Computers weren’t known the way we know them today. Computers have evolved the way no other gadget ever did. Let us look at how computers evolved faster than humans. History of Computer # First ever Computer(image: theverve.com)If you paid attention to your book from the first standard or the second, you would probably remember the name Charles Babbage who is also known as the father of computers as he had the brains behind the first ever computer which was developed in the year 1849. Well, when we say developed, Charles designed the whole automatic computer but failed to execute the design but you will be glad to know that his design came to life in the year 2002 as the masterpiece is in London.

So, it is safe to say that the first ever computer took almost 16 decades to build. # First generation of electronic Computers(Image: Chilloutpoint.com)1937 was the year when the magic happened as Dr. Atanasoff and Clifford Berry built the first ever electronic computer.

Let’s talk about the amazing facts about this huge computer as it weighed almost 30 tons and could perform only one task. Most importantly, it drew so much power that when it was switched on for the first time, people experienced dimming of lights in Philadelphia region.

# Second Generation Computers(image: Wikipedia.com)As the first-generation computers used almost 18,000 vacuum tubes to process information, the second-generation computers saw a huge improvement as it used transistors instead of vacuum tubes. This not only made things way more compact but also more efficient and reliable. The production for these started in the year 1947, right after the first-gen computers became obsolete.

This was the time when the computer started to become smarter as it could support over 100 programming languages and gave users an opportunity to buy them as a commercial use. International Business Machine or IBM as we know it, also started off their business by manufacturing the 650 and 700 to put their name in the market for years to come. This was an enormous success not only for the computer as a system but IBM as well.

These computers were so smart that they could play tapes and even printers could be used with them. These type of computer systems lasted for almost 15 years. # Third Gen Computers(image: forbes.com)Since the year 1963, computers rapidly became more and more compact and the cost of a full computer started to drop to attract more buyers and customers. IBM was already leading the computers segment but in 1980, a company called Microsoft (founded by ) introduced Microsoft Disk Operating System or MS-DOS. A year later, IBM also introduced Personal Computers which created a storm in the computer business.

To tackle that, Apple (founded by ) came up with the Macintosh in the year 1984 which in today’s time is called Mac. Things were becoming hotter in the computing world and time passed and in the year 1990, Microsoft came up with the Windows operating system.

You will be surprised to know that we are still using the third-gen computers which can perform any task in just a few seconds. Some Facts about Computers, that are mind boggling!. The first ever electronic computer weighs over 30 tons and occupied more than 1900 sq.

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Feet. The first ever mouse was carved out of wood and was made by Doug Engelbart in the year 1964. 3 of the biggest computer manufacturers, Apple, HP, and Microsoft were started in a garage. Bill Gates, who is known as one of the richest persons in the world and the founder of Microsoft, designed his first house using a Macintosh.

The first ever hard drive, which was launched in the year 1979 allowed users to save data worth of 5 MB. What’s even more staggering is that 1 GB Hard Disk was announced in the year 1980. The cost of this one was 40,000 dollars and it weighed 550 pounds.Some Myths about Computers, that are DUMB!. Automatic Updates are apparently going to brick your PCCome on, this sounds like growing up is a trap! Updates are there to help in making your experience more fluid.

Internet Explorer is the slowest and the worst browserInternet Explorer is the best place to download Google Chrome! Jokes apart, Internet Explorer is as fast as Google Chrome, if not faster. The reason why people like using Google Chrome is that it allows integrated experience as most of us use one Google service or another and Google Chrome just allows users to use all of it without any shutters. Antivirus is the best protectionis a total waste of space and money if you buy one. If you are, then you don’t even have to worry about viruses as Microsoft have an amazing Windows Defender with Rigid Protocols.

It is enough to protect your PC. Speed up your PC by cleaning CacheCaches are created by the applications that you use on your PC. These are files which help in loading data faster and more efficiently.

The storage of cache is a blessing to the modern PC, if you clear them, you are probably having a taste of living in the 90s when computer had to load every file again and again. Modern applications are bad for RAMIt is true that modern applications use a lot of memory to access your PC but this is also the reason why we are having 8 GB or 16 GB in our beloved mean machines.

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If an application uses more memory, it makes it faster and the user interface snappier as it uses less time to load things that you wish to see. All the data shown above will be stored by Techtricksworld.com on At any point of time, you can contact us and select the data you wish to anonymise or delete so it cannot be linked to your email address any longer.

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Chapter 182 - Thousands of Mile AwayTL: xDh20, LifeisaJourneyED: JafzThe fish activity must be within the range of detection and only through patience were they able to catch them. If they didn't know the location of where the fish were most active, they could only blindly guess and set up rods everywhere. The chances of catching a fish by random was just like relying on luck for a raffle draw. However, with Forage from Wang DeCheng, it made fishing a lot easier.In the whole late afternoon, every member had plenty of gains. The total weight of fish caught was nearly ten pounds. For dinner, there were a few members that demonstrated their outstanding cooking abilities by making a whole seafood themed dinner with dishes like: braised fish, sweet and sour fish, deep fried fish, and boiled fish soup. With such a happy event, everyone started to drink beer, especially Liu Gan, Zhang ShengLi and Wang DeCheng.

It seems that they drank quite a lot as they were speaking belligerently.The white-coat scientist was lead to the restaurant by Han GuangMing. Han GuangMing was a very earnest person. Since he had the responsibility of watching the scientist, he didn't touch any alcohol.“The fish taste so fresh! The beer is good enough to quench my thirst! Finally, in the few days that we took to escape, we were able to find a peaceful location.

It wasn't easy! Come, let us drink and toast to those that aren't here!” Liu Gan continued to drink with Zhang ShengLi.“Cheers! If you aren’t drunk tonight, you can’t leave!” Zhang ShengLi continued to pour the alcohol down his throat.The last people out of the restaurant were Liu Gan and Zhang ShengLi, they were carried out. Han GuangMing was also escorting the white-coat scientist back to the guest room at the same time.

The scientist witnessed Liu Gan, Zhang ShengLi, and Wang DeCheng get carried out of the restaurant onto the beds of their own room.“Brother Han, I drank too much tonight. I’ve arranged the night shift, but you will have to stay up to keep watch on the scientist. Don’t let the scientist make a fool out of you.” Wang DeCheng said to Han GuangMing.“Don’t worry. Brother Wang, just rest up early. I didn’t drink any alcohol so I can guarantee that I won’t let him do anything sly in front of me.” Han GuangMing promised Wang DeCheng.“Okay, I will go to sleep.” Wang DeCheng headed toward his own guest room.At night as everyone headed toward bed to sleep. Besides Han GuangMing staying up to keep watch of the scientist, Yin He was hiding in the darkness and observing the situation. Liu Gan definitely knew that the scientist was hiding something, but as to what secrets he was hiding, those were still unknown.

If there was a chance for the scientist to escape, then everything would be revealed when the snake escapes from its cave.The night got darker and everyone was asleep. Even the assigned night guard, Zhao Meng was asleep on the lobby couch since he had drank beer during dinnertime.Only Han GuangMing wasn’t asleep. Liu Gan personally assigned the duty to Han GuangMing, so Han GuangMing would try his best to finish the task. Han GuangMing was a honest person, but he was also a deep sleeper.

His eyes wouldn’t stay open, no matter how hard he resisted the urge to sleep.“So that Elder Liu is your leader?” the white-coat scientist decided to chat with his watcher, Han GuangMing.“Yes, he is very powerful. It’s best that you don’t aggravate him.” Han GuangMing replied.“Why is he so powerful?

Is it some ability?” the white-coat scientist asked again.“Aren’t the questions you ask too nosey?” Han GuangMing was getting alarmed.“I am only casually speaking with you. If you don’t want to talk with me, then I won’t speak.” the scientist was embarrassed.“Yeah, it’s best if you keep your mouth shut.” Han GuangMing obviously didn’t want to continue chatting with him.The white-coat scientist immediately shut his mouth up. After a long while, Han GuangMing yawned a few times. When Han GuangMing turned around to face the bed, his eyes widened with shock. With expressions of shock, fright, and fear all in one bottled up body, Han GuangMing didn’t yawn anymore.The person sitting on the bed wasn’t the white-coat scientist, it was his already dead grandma.Han GuangMing had a painful look on his face.

In his train of thought through his sea of memory, he looked back into the memories of the real world.When Han GuangMing was very little, his parents had left him behind to make a living. So Han GuangMing was essentially raised by his grandma. His early childhood moments and memories were created at his grandma’s house. He also had a large shiba, a large jujube tree in in the front yard and a small pear tree nearby.

In addition, there were many special type of plants that his grandma grew.TL: Red dates = JujubeHan GuangMing loved to eat dates. When dates were in season, he would climb the highest jujube tree like a monkey.

He would sit on the thickest branch and eat the jujube. This was his earliest and deepest memory.His grandma knew that he liked to eat dates, so she would store up the uneaten dates. With her method of storing them in the basement, they would last several months. So occasionally, when Han GuangMing was behaving well, she would take out a few to surprise him. This surprise would remain until Chinese New Year. Han GuangMing had no idea how his grandma kept the dates fresh. Even storing them in the fridge wouldn’t keep them fresh for long.By the time Han GuangMing had turned 8, his parents were self sustaining and they taken him to the city.

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That was when he left the courtyard that he grew up in. That was when he left his nearly seventy year old grandma and grandpa.Even though the city had better living conditions, Han GuangMing definitely missed his grandma and grandpa.

He longed for the days of when he was still at the countryside courtyard of his grandparents. Due to circumstances of being separated by over a thousand miles from the countryside. Only on days of Chinese New Year, would he be able to return to his grandparent’s side.Most of his childhood memory was very fuzzy, the only aspect that Han GuangMing remembered clearly was that everytime he went back, his grandparent’s hair would gradually become more white with every passing year.

His grandparent’s wrinkles would also become more profound with every time they meet. The one thing that didn’t change was the happiness they revealed when Han GuangMing saw them.One of his memory of his grandma was when she would go into the basement to pull out the preserved dates. With the white basin to hold the large red dates, that was placed in front of Han GuangMing. With the wrinkles forming a smile, they watched as their grandson ate the dates one by one.Nevertheless, Han GuangMing’s parents tried to move their parents to the city.

This way, the grandparents could break away from rural country life and enjoy life with ease, but the grandparents weren’t suited for living there like trapped birds in the reinforced concrete jungle of the city. Eventually, they chose to remain in the countryside.It was when Han GuangMing reached junior high school, that school work got more hectic. Taking into account to not affect his studies, Han GuangMing’s parent gradually decreased the times they would take him, from once a year to every two years to every three years eventually.In Han GuangMing’s mind, he wanted to focus on his studies to get into a good college.

After his first year in high school, he went once during the summer break and after that, he hasn't gone back since.